Best Day Ever.....

Today was the first official day of winter break.  I began the day doing something that is usually a luxury on busy school mornings...I took an absurdly long shower.  As I mentally reviewed the day and what needed to get done, it occurred to me that I did not have a single essay to grade.  I did not have a geography lesson on North Korea to review.....I certainly did not have a math lesson to go over....there was no chapter review in world history waiting for me in my in box....and I definitely did not have a civics project to plan.  I have never felt so happy in my entire life.  This was going to be the best day ever.  I love homeschooling and the challenge that it provides everyday.  I love that it gives me the ability to indoctrinate teach the girls about politics and history.  However, I am ready to put all of that on hold for 2 weeks and do absolutely nothing with them.  We have no place to travel to, no school work to do and no pressing plans.  Today started with that long shower and went on to include...reading Christmas books with Emma, sewing lots of Christmas gifts with Rachel, helping Hannah with her gift for Emma and having fancy hot chocolate and cinnamon toast for lunch (it was cloudy, drizzly and cozy outside) The best day ever ended with The Polar Express, a game of Monopoly(not me, I HATE that game) and more Christmas books.  I love Winter Vacation!


  1. sounds wonderful! We had a day like that this weekend. Cozy fire pretty trees and three crazy boys!

    - Tracy


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