A little organization never hurt anyone!!

So, I went in to see what the girls were up to this morning and I encountered this....they were quick to assure me that even though I would be freaking out about it now, they were just reorganizing their room and getting rid of things that they no longer used or needed. They said that all the "stuff" was making them feel stressed out. I have to admit, my neat freak personality made me want to freak out but inside I was cheering the fact that I had created 3 little neat freak, non-clutter, organizers of my very own! What more could a self proclaimed anal retentive, organizing freak like me want! I was so proud.


  1. Isn't that what a few lazy days of summer are for--cleaning and organizing? Want to come to my house next?

  2. Looks like fun and gives me a little inspiration to go clean out a few drawers that are due for clean-out.


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