
We spent the week in Houston while Matt worked.  Houston is not a mecca for tourist attractions plus we were on a limited vacation budget so we spent a lot of time in the hotel.  It was kind of like being Eloise only instead of the Plaza hotel we were in the Spring Hill Suites, but otherwise it was just like that.  We did manage to get over to Galveston to go to the water park which was super fun.  Emma was thrilled to get the entire day out of her brace! We also spent a day in downtown Houston at various art galleries which is one of my favorite things to do while in big cities.  We ate out a few times but mostly we got creative with budget friendly ways to have lunch and dinner in the hotel.  We mostly went to see where Matt works while in Houston and to just keep him company. One of the days we were there Rachel went to work with Matt which was really fun for her. Otherwise, we just chilled.

way too much time in the hotel room

off to work with Dad

the hotel lobby was our second hoome

cool NASA elevators in the hotel

leisurely continental breakfasts at the hotel each day


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